Friday, 3 June 2011

EJB3 Stateless Session Bean Annotations

Creating a Stateless EJB using EJB3’s annotations is very simple. Just in case you can’t remember this is how to annotate your java code to create a simple User bean.

Firstly, you need to create a remote interface using the @Remote annotation.

public interface User {

String getUserName(String userID);

  String getUserID
(String name);

boolean userExists(String id);

Next, if required, create your local interface using the @Local annotation.

public interface UserLocal {

String getUserName(String userID);

  String getUserID
(String name);

boolean userExists(String id);

You may have noticed that I said ‘if required’ above. The reason for this is that the @Remote and @Local interfaces are optional. You MUST have one or both of the above depending upon what you want to do with the bean.

The last part of creating a stateless session bean is to mark your implementation bean with the @Stateless annotation. If you’re using a Weblogic server remember to add the name and mappedName attributes.

@Stateless(name = "DummyUser", mappedName = "DummyUser")
public class UserBean implements User, UserLocal {

@return Return the user's name for the given ID.
public String getUserName(String userId) {

return "Fred Jones";

@return Return the users ID code for the user's name.
public String getUserID(String userName) {

return "12s34F";

@return True. The user always exists.
public boolean userExists(String id) {

return true;

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