Friday, 6 May 2011

Generic Factory Class - Sample

Previously I’ve talked about generic classes and generic methods. This blog combines the two and demonstrates how to write a generic factory class. Now, as this is a blog, we’re keeping it simple and assuming that the classes we wish to use our factory to create have a default no-arg constructor and are public - you can add extra detail in to deal with constructor args.

Firstly, we need to write our factory class:

public class Factory<T> {

// T type MUST have a default constructor
private final Class<T> type;

public Factory(Class<T> type) {

this.type = type;

   * Use the factory to get the next instance.
public T getInstance() {

try {
// assume type is a public class
return type.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

   * Create the factory. Note that V can be T, but to demonstrate that
   * generic method are not generic classes, I've called it V and not T.
   * In using this method V becomes T.
public static <V> Factory<V> getInstance(Class<V> type) {

return new Factory<V>(type);

Note that the factory object itself is created using a static factory method getInstance(...), which will reduce the amount of typing in the client code.

In running this sample, I use the same factory code to create a String and a sample TestOne class.

  public static void main(String[] args) {

Factory<String> factory = Factory.getInstance(String.class);

    String sample = factory.getInstance
("Sample is: " + sample);

    Factory<TestOne> factory2 = Factory.getInstance

    TestOne sample2 = factory2.getInstance
("Sample is: " + sample2);

public static class TestOne {

public String toString() {

return "This is TestOne";

You can add lots of extra features in here to make this a real factory, but this demonstrates the principal...

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